Categories: C#.Net

C# 2008 New Features

This discuss about new features of C# 2008 or .Net 3.5. It explains various new features like Automatic properties, Object Initializers, Type Inference, Anonymous Types, Lambda Expressions and Extension Methods. It explains about each in detail.

Categories: C#.Net

Abstract Factory Design Pattern in C#.Net

Abstract factory provides the interface to access family of related objects without specifying their concrete classes. That means if you want to access one instance of multiple related classes, abstract factory provides that instance. Abstract factory design pattern in C#.Net provides the solution for such type issues.

Categories: C#.Net

Creational Pattern, Singleton Design Pattern, Example of Singleton Pattern in C#

Singleton design pattern is a creational pattern. You can use singleton pattern in C# whenever you need to maintain instance of a class globally. This article discuss about singleton design patterns in C#, example of singleton design pattern in C#. Singleton pattern in .Net is very useful whenever you need to control the creation of object for particular class.

Categories: C#.Net

Static Keyword, Static members, Static Constructor, Static Class in C#

C# class can contain any number of static members. In this example I explain about static keyword, different static members, static constructor, static class and how to create static class and when to use static members, static constructor and static classes.

Categories: C#.Net

Access Specifiers Or Access Modifiers in C#

Access Specifier or Access modifier determines scope of variable or method you created in your application. Here I discussed about various access specifiers or access modifiers in C#. Access specifiers or modifiers available in C# are public, private, protected, internal and protected internal. Here I explained each with example.

Categories: C#.Net

Nullable data types and ?? Operator in C#

This article provides brief idea about nullable data types in C# and how to handle nullable data types. This also discuss about how to replace null value and what happens if we assign null to value types and reference types.

Categories: C#.Net

Shadowing in C# using new keyword

This article explains about what is shadowing in C#.Net, when we need shadowing, what are the advantages of shadowing in .Net and how to hide base class methods in derived class. It discuss about shadowing in C# using new keyword.

Categories: C#.Net

Enum Type in C #

This article discuss about enumeration types in C#, what is enum type, where to use enumeration types, internal data storage mechanism of enumeration and how enumerations used for symbolic names.

Categories: C#.Net

Partial classes and Partial structures

Here we discuss about what is partial keyword in C#.Net and what are the advantages of partial keyword. And also discuss about what are the partial classes, partial structures and what are the advantages of each.

Categories: C#.Net

difference between By Value type and By Reference type

Here we discuss about what is meant by value type, reference types and what are the different value type data types are available in .Net and what are the different reference data types are available in .Net. It also discuss about what is the difference between By Value type and By Reference type.