Explains how to do 301 permanent redirections for all pages from old domain to new domain for Asp.Net MVC application by adding a rule in Web.Config
It explains how to deploy nopCommerce Asp.net Core 2.2 web application in GoDaddy using Self-Contained deployment mode.
It explains how to deploy nopCommerce Asp.net Core 2.2 web application in GoDaddy using Self-Contained deployment mode.
It provides. NET Core introduction.
Share your code with others by using Live Share feature in Microsoft Visual Studio 2019.
It explains code refactoring improvements in Microsoft Visual Studio 2019.
It explains about various option available on Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 Start Window.
It explains how to deploy service fabric application to multiple nodes in cluster.
Here we discuss about direct casting and as operator casting in C#.
It discusses how to cleanup the resources using "using" statement in C#.