Blazor RenderFragment and RenderFragment<T> usage with Example

Blazor, part of the ASP.NET ecosystem, revolutionizes web development by enabling developers to build interactive web applications with C#. One of the standout features of Blazor is the RenderFragment, which allows for creating dynamic and reusable UI components. Let's take a closer look at how RenderFragment works, its benefits, and some unique use cases.


RenderFragment Usage:


RenderFragment is a delegate that represents a segment of UI content. It allows you to pass markup and logic between components, making your Blazor applications more modular and flexible. Essentially, it enables you to inject dynamic content into a component.


Please find below the usage of RenderFragment to create a Dynamic List Component


Open Microsoft Visual Studio 2022, create Blazor Web Server project. Create a parent component that accepts a RenderFragment parameter. This component will serve as a container for dynamically injected content.



@page "/parent"

<h3>Parent Component</h3>




@code {


    public RenderFragment ChildContent { get; set; }


Here, ChildContent is the RenderFragment parameter that will hold the dynamically injected content.


Next, let's use the ParentComponent in another component or page. We will pass a RenderFragment to it, which includes some HTML content.



@page "/example"



        <h4>This is dynamically rendered content!</h4>

        <p>The content here is passed from the parent to the child component using RenderFragment.</p>



In this example, the ChildContent is the block of HTML that will be rendered inside the ParentComponent.


RenderFragment with Parameters (RenderFragment<T>) Usage:


Blazor also supports RenderFragment<T>, allowing you to pass parameters to the dynamic content. This can be particularly useful when you need to render content based on data passed from the parent component.


Define a Parameterized RenderFragment as below.


Modify the parent component to accept a parameterized RenderFragment<T>.


Create new class Person.cs as below.

public class Person


    public string Name { get; set; }

    public int Age { get; set; }



@page "/parent"

<h3>Parent Component</h3>




@code {


    public RenderFragment<Person> ChildContent { get; set; }


    private Person PersonObj = new Person { Name = "John Doe", Age = 30 };


Here, ChildContent is now a RenderFragment<Person>, allowing us to pass a Person object to the child content.


Use the Parameterized RenderFragment as below. Pass the parameterized content in another component.



@page "/example"


    <ChildContent Context="person">


        <p>Age: @person.Age</p>



In this example, Context="person" specifies that the Person object passed from the parent component should be accessible as person within the child content.


Why Use RenderFragment?

Modularity: By encapsulating dynamic content in RenderFragment, you can create highly modular components that are easy to reuse and maintain.

Flexibility: RenderFragment allows you to inject dynamic content into components, making it possible to create highly customizable and dynamic UIs.

Separation of Concerns: It helps in keeping the logic and presentation layers separate, enhancing the readability and maintainability of your code.


Real-World Use Cases:

Dynamic Forms: Use RenderFragment to build forms where the fields can change based on user input or other conditions.

Content Templates: Create reusable templates for displaying data in different formats, such as lists, grids, or cards.

Conditional Rendering: Dynamically render different UI elements based on application state or user roles.


The RenderFragment in Blazor is a powerful feature that enhances the flexibility and reusability of your components. By allowing dynamic content injection, it makes your Blazor applications more modular and maintainable. Whether you're building complex UIs or simply looking to add more dynamism to your components, RenderFragment offers a robust solution.