C#: Constants and Read-Only


Constants in C#:

Constants variables are variables whose values are known at compile-time and these variable values won't change. We can create constants as shown below.


                                             const int iId = 10;


If you are trying to change the iId value, it gives compile-time error. Constant variables are static internally, so we can access constant variables through class name without creating the object.


Read-Only in C#:

We can initialize the read-only variables while declaration as well as in constructors. Other than in constructors if you try to change the read-only variables value it produces compile-time error.  We can create read-only variables as shown below.


class Employee


        readonly int iId;


        private Employee()


            iId = 10;




Read-only variables are not static internally, so we have to use static keyword to access readonly variables through class name as shown below.


                             readonly static int iId = 10;