In C#, Math class used to perform many mathematical operations like absolute, Ceiling, Floor, logarithm.
In this article we discuss about what are the methods provided by Math class and it usage.
Abs method: It provides absolute of given value.
Exp: Math.Abs(34.4) = 34.4
Math.Abs(-34.4) = 34.4
Math.Abs(0) = 0
Ceiling Method: It rounds the given value to the nearest larger integer
Exp: Math.Ceiling(3.4) = 4
Math.Ceiling(-3.4) = -3
Cos Method: It provides Cosine value for given radians
Exp: Math.Cos(30) is 0.154251449887584
Exp Method: It gives the exponential of given value.
Exp: Math.Exp(3.4) is 29.964100047397
Floor Method: It rounds the given value to the nearer largest number not greater than its.
Exp: Math.Floor(34.6) is 34
Log Method: It gives logarithm of given value.
Exp: Math.Log(3.4) is 1.22377543162212
Max Method: It gives larger value of given numbers.
Exp: Math.Max(34.4,32.1) is 34.4
Min Method: It gives smaller value of given numbers
Exp: Math.Min(34.4,32.1) is 32.1
Pow(a,b) Method: It gives the a raised to power of b
Exp: Math.Pow(2,4) is 16
Sin Method: It gives the Sin value of given input.
Exp: Math.Sin(34) is 0.529082686120024
Sqrt Method: It gives the square root of given input.
Exp: Math.Sqrt(4) is 2
Tan Method: It gives the Tan of given input.
Exp: Math.Tan(34) is -0.623498962716226