Common Type System in .Net


Identifiers: Identifiers are used to describe allocated memory types such as integer, longs, classes, and other types defined by C# or by you, as the developer. The rules for identifiers are given below.


1)      Identifiers can start with any Unicode letter or an underscore.

2)      Identifiers are case-sensitive.

3)      Identifiers must be unique within a particular scope: namespace, class, method, code block


In C# there is a defined set of naming conventions and Recommendations. The following are the two recommended naming conventions for C#:


1)Pascal casing: Pascal casting is the default convention for all names with the exception of protected instance fields and parameters.


2)Camel casing: This convention is used only for protected instance fields and parameters.


Open .net software following steps are needed


Start->programs->Microsoft visual studio 2010->Microsoft Visual studio 2010->file menu->new->

project->select visual c# from installed templates->select console application


Code Example: Identifiers and naming Conventions

// Adds System namespace

using System;

//Defines a new namespace

namespace Chapter1CommonTypeSystem


    //Defines a new class

    class MyMainClass


        //Defines a static method that serves as an entry point

        //for the application

        static void Main(string[] args)


            //Declares an instance of variables

            int MyInt = 10;

            long MyLong = MyInt;

            short MyShort = (short)MyInt;



        //defines a public static method

        public static int My2ndFunction(int myInt)


            return myInt;





Working with pre-defined datatypes:

Datatypes are also called as primitive data types. This datatypes are divided into 4 groups.

1)Integral related datatypes: They are 8 types

Byte, SByte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong.

2)Floating related datatypes:

 Float, double, decimal.

3)Character related datatypes:

 Char, string.

4)other types of datatypes:

Bool, It’s Description is true\false.


Code Example: Using Variables

Open console Application project


using System;

using System.collections;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;


namespace CommonTypeSystem


    class program


        static void Main(string[] args)


            int i = 10; //value type (or) local variable


            float x = 4.1f;


            Byte b1 = 10, b2 = 20;

            int c = b1 + b2;

            Console.WriteLine("sum is:" + c);






Execute the project:(goto debug menu->start debugging) (or) F5


Observations on above projects:

1)int i=10 local variables (value types) must be initillized before using that variable.

2)float x=4.1; gives an error.

3) + operator is used to  add the numbers and concatenate the strings

4)Console.Readkey(): holds the output screen until pressing any character in the keyboard, Which is same as getch() of c language.