Cookieless Session in ASP.NET

Cookieless session: 

1)providing sessionid to client browser by appending to url is called “cookiless session” 

2)the main advantage is session will be maintained to client irrespective of browser settings {whether browser is supporting cookies (or) not] 

3)this requires a setting within web.config



<session state cookieless=”true/false”/>


true->sessionid will be given to browser by appending to url 

false[default]->sessionid will be given to browser in the form of inmemory cookie, in this case session will not be maintained to client if browser is not supporting cookies


Example on cookieless session site:

Goto visual studio 


It will display main window of visual studio

File menu->new->website->visual c#->select empty website 



Visual studio create a folder with website name, in this folder website related files will be placed


Add webform 

Goto view menu and select solution explorer 

Right click on website path and select add new item 

Select webform 

Give name as default.aspx 


<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %> 

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">


<html xmlns=""> 

<head runat="server"> 




    <form id="form1" runat="server"> 







goto design part 

Storing creditcard


Reading credit card



                                                            reading creditcard 


using System; 

using System.Collections.Generic; 

using System.Linq; 

using System.Web; 

using System.Web.UI; 

using System.Web.UI.WebControls;


public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page 


    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 




    protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 


        Session["creditcard"] = "1234 1234 1234 1234"; 



    protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 


        Label1.Text = Session["creditcard"].ToString() + "user for shapping payment"; 




go to solution explorer and select web.config


[place sessionstate tag below system.web tag




      <sessionState cookieless="true"/> 

        <compilation debug="false" targetFramework="4.0" /> 



set default.aspx as start page 

 [right click on default.aspx and set as start page]


Goto control F5



The problem with cookieless session is security threat, it is not recommended when you want to store sensitive data of user [like creditcard number, bank pin,..]


Changing session timeout: 

The default session timeout is 20 mins, this can be changed with a setting in web.config



<sessionstate timeout=”30”/>


Conclusion to session level state management 

If it is small amount of data without security constraint then go with cookies, otherwise go with session 

The main problem with session is memory burden on webserver[website]


Application object: 

Website allocating block of memory common to all the users of website with in server system is called “application object” 

Application object can be used to maintain common information to all the users across different webpages of website by storing at server system


Storing data into application object 



->the value will be stored in the form of on object 

->application object doesn’t have timeout, it will be maintained as long as website is running 

->application object variable will be shared by all the users connected with website


Reading application object variable: 

Application[“varname”]->it returns value in the form of an object, it should be type casted to required type


Locking & unlocking application object: 

Each client request to website will be considered as a thread, website will provide equal processor time to all the threads[clients], in this case there is a possibility of more than client [thread] manipulating same application object data, this leads to inconsistent result


->the solution locking application object to a specific user request 




Manipulating application object data 



Application object & session object events 

1.applicatin start event: 

This will be executed when website is started 

2.application end event: 

This will be executed when website is stopped 

3.application error event: 

This will be executed when unhandled exception is occurred with in website, this can be used to notify error information to administrator in the form of email (or) storing error information into log file 

4.session start: 

This will be executed whenever a new session is created with in website 

5.session end: 

This will be executed when ever a session is closed with in website. This event handlers should be placed with in global application class file[]


Website supports only one global.asaxfile


Creating website to work with application object & global.asax


Goto visual studio 



It will display main window of visual studio 

File menu->new->website->visual c#->select empty website 


Visual studio create a folder with website name, in this folder website related files will be placed


Place global.asax file into website 

Goto view menu and select solution explorer 

Right click on website path and select add new item 

Select global application class 

Give name as global.asax


<%@ Application Language="C#" %> 

<script runat="server">


    void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)  


        // Code that runs on application startup 

        Application["nou"] = 0; 



    void Application_End(object sender, EventArgs e)  


        //  Code that runs on application shutdown 



    void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)  


        // Code that runs when an unhandled error occurs 



    void Session_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)  


        // Code that runs when a new session is started 


        Application["nou"] = (int)Application["nou"] + 1; 




    void Session_End(object sender, EventArgs e)  



        Application["nou"] = (int)Application["nou"] - 1; 






Add webform 

Goto view menu and select solution explorer 

Right click on website path and select add new item 

Select webform 

Give name as home.aspx 


Goto design part 

Place label control 




using System; 

using System.Collections.Generic; 

using System.Linq; 

using System.Web; 

using System.Web.UI; 

using System.Web.UI.WebControls;


public partial class home : System.Web.UI.Page 


    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 


        Label1.Text = "numb of users connected:" + Application["nou"].ToString(); 




Add webform 

Goto view menu and select solution explorer 

Right click on website path and select add new item 

Select webform 

Give name as close.aspx


Goto design part  

Place label control


using System; 

using System.Collections.Generic; 

using System.Linq; 

using System.Web; 

using System.Web.UI; 

using System.Web.UI.WebControls;


public partial class close : System.Web.UI.Page 


    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 



        Label1.Text = "logged out successfully"; 




set home.aspx as start page 

 [right click on home.aspx and set as start page]


Goto control F5


Note: events will be executed implicitly when specific action takes place within website 

 [action can be website execution, session creation…] 

2)session will be closed in 2 ways 

1.based on timeout 

2.calling abandon method