HTTP is a request/response protocol between a client and server. Client can be web browser, search engine robot and server is a program that understands HTTP, listens for requests from a client.
There are several tools available online to examine HTTP request and response. In this article we will check the HTTP request and HTTP response by using Fiddler tool. Download free Fiddler tool at Install Fiddler tool and open Fiddler shortcut from programs menu as shown below.
Now open from any browser. Then you find the requests made to in Fiddler tool as shown below.
As you see in the right side and in the upper section, we have HTTP request which is being sent to google server. It contains request method (here it is GET), accepted content, cookies information and other details.
In the bottom section we have HTTP response information which is being sent from for corresponding request. The response contains application server details which serving the request, cache information and other details.
fiddler tool, http request, http response