To merge two PDF documents using iText7 in C#, you can follow these steps:
First, we must install the required iText7 packages for our project using the NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio. Install itext7, itext7.bouncy-castle-adapter, itext7.pdfhtml packages through the NuGet package manager.
Add the required namespaces to the project, as shown below. Open Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 and add the below namespaces.
using iText.Kernel.Pdf;
using iText.Kernel.Utils;
Create a method to merge PDFs: You can create a method that takes the paths of the PDF files to be merged in C# and the output file path as parameters. Here is an example:
namespace ConvertHtmlToPdf
public class PdfService
public static void MergePdfs(string[] pdfFiles, string outputFile)
using PdfWriter writer = new (outputFile);
using PdfDocument mergedPdf = new(writer);
PdfMerger merger = new(mergedPdf);
foreach (string file in pdfFiles)
using PdfReader reader = new(file);
using PdfDocument pdf = new(reader);
merger.Merge(pdf, 1, pdf.GetNumberOfPages());
// Call MergePdfs method
string[] pdfFiles = { "C:\\Pdf\\output1.pdf", "C:\\Pdf\\output2.pdf" };
string outputFile = "C:\\Pdf\\Merged.pdf";
PdfService.MergePdfs(pdfFiles, outputFile);
Console.WriteLine("Given Pdf files merged and new pdf file Merged.pdf created at C:\\Pdf.");
This code will merge the two PDF files (output1.pdf and output2.pdf) into a single PDF file, Merged.pdf.