Once you complete with your document and before giving it to your colleagues or friends or anyone, you have to check whether the document contains any personal information and any accessibility issues. For this purpose, Microsoft Office 2016 comes up with different options. These options specially designed for both accessibility and security issues. By using these features, we can check if the document contains any personal information that we don’t want to share with others and also can check if the document contains any text that will be difficult to read for people with disabilities.
To see these features, open any Microsoft Office 2016 file (here I am opening Word 2016) and go to File => select “Check for Issues” feature under Info tab as shown below.
As indicated we have three different options Inspect Document, Check Accessibility, and Check Compatibility under Check For Issues; here we discuss each of this.
Inspect Document: This helps to inspect the document for specific content like comments, document properties, annotations, and hidden text. By using Inspect Document feature, we can easily identify the personal information that you don’t share with others. For example, I have added my name to Microsoft Word 2016 and selected the Inspect Document feature it displays warning message as shown below.
By clicking on “Remove All” button, we can remove all personal information.
Check Accessibility: By using this option, we can identify the accessibility issues if the document contains any. For example, if we have several empty lines in Microsoft Word 2016 document it provides the warnings. With each warning, it also provides the details why we should fix the warning as shown below.
Check Compatibility: This option helps to identify the items that are not supported in earlier versions of Microsoft Office. For example, Microsoft Word 2016 has Citation and Bibliography features which are not supported by previous versions of Word 97-2003.