Trusted Locations in Microsoft Office

In Microsoft Office, Trust Location is the default path for documents, templates, startup files, add-ins, and other items. Trust locations are used to store the files that you trust. A trusted location is typically a folder that exists on your computer or a shared path on the network. By saving the files in trusted location, you can open the file without being checked by Trust Center Security feature in Microsoft Office; this is very useful when you create your own macros. If you don’t save your macros in Trusted Location Trust Center Security creates the fuss by validating the macro. You can open the document which uses the macro that the Trust center disables because Trust Center believes the macro is unsafe by placing the document and macro in Trusted Locations.

There are predefined Trusted Locations which were created while installing Microsoft Office or your administrator might have created if you work on the network. Even you can create your own Trusted Location but always it is advisable to use predefined Trusted Center if you work for any organization. If you work on a network, you can use shared location also as Trusted Location to share your documents with your colleagues.

Create or Modify Trusted Location in Microsoft Word

In Microsoft Word, to create Trusted Location go to File and select Options as shown below.

It opens the options window, select Trust Center as shown below.

From the Trust Center, select Trust Center Settings.

In Trust Center Settings window, select Trusted Locations as shown below.

Trusted Locations window displays the existing Trusted Locations.

You can create new Trusted Location by clicking “Add new location” button and you can Modify existing Trusted Location by clicking “Modify” button. The Add new location window displays as shown below.

If Trusted folder has any sub folders and subfolders are also trusted, then you can select “Subfolders of this location are also trusted” checkbox to make all subfolders also trusted. To modify the existing Trusted Location, select Trusted Location and it displays the window same as shown above. You can modify the path and click on Ok button to save the changes.

Create or Modify Trusted Location in Microsoft Excel

In Microsoft Excel, select File and go to Options; select Trust Center as shown below.

From Trust Center window => Trust Center Settings => Select Trusted Locations

Click Add new location button to add new Trusted Location or click Modify to change settings for existing Trusted Location. Select Remove button to any selected Trusted Location.

Create new or Modify Trusted Location in Microsoft PowerPoint

Same as in Microsoft Word and in Microsoft Excel, select File => Options => Trust Center

Select Trust Center Settings => Trusted Locations => select “Add new Trust Location” to create new Trusted Location; “Modify” button to change settings for existing Trusted Location; select Remove button to remove the selected Trusted Location.