Categories: C#.Net

Protect Microsoft Excel Sheet in C#

This article discuss about how to protect Microsoft Excel Sheet with password in C#.

Categories: C#.Net

Virtual Methods in C#

This article explains about virtual methods and how to override virtual methods of base class in child class by using override keyword.

Categories: C#.Net

Destroying Objects in C#

This article explains about how to destroy the objects in C# by using Dispose() and finalizer() methods.

Categories: C#.Net

Naming Conventions in C#

This article explains about Naming Conventions, Pascal Casing and Camel Casing in C#.

Categories: C#.Net

Polymorphism in C#

It discuss about Polymorphism in C#.

Categories: C#.Net

Pass By Value and Pass By Reference in C#

It discuss about differences between pass by value and pass by reference in C#

Categories: C#.Net

Scope Rules in C#

Explains about scope rules in C# depends on the Access modifiers Private, Public, Protected, Internal and Protected Internal.

Categories: C#.Net

Excel Validations in C#

This article explains about how to apply validations like date validations, number validations, decimal validations..etc to excel files in C#.