Categories: C#.Net, WCF

Metadata Exchange, MEX Endpoint in WCF

This article discuss about how to exchange metadata using HTTP-GET and MEX Endpoints in WCF services.

Categories: WCF

WCF Hosting, Different Types of WCF Hostings

It explains about different types of WCF Hosting IIS Hosting, Self Hosting, WAS Hosting, Custom Hosting in IIS/WAS and Windows Server AppFabric.

Categories: C#.Net, Asp.Net

.NET Introduction, .NET Languages, .NET Framework

This article discuss about .Net overview, .Net languages, .Net framework, Managed Code and Un-manged code.

Categories: WCF

WCF Endpoints

This article discuss about WCF Endpoints and different elements in WCF Endpoint. It also explains about Address, Binding, Contract in WCF.

Categories: C#.Net

ProgressBar, BackgroundWorker Controls in C# for Windows Applications

This article explains about ProgressBar, BackgroundWorker windows controls in C# and how to display the ProgressBar control using BackgroundWorker control in C#.

Categories: WCF

About WCF Library System.ServiceModel.dll

This article explains about WCF Core library System.ServiceModel.dll, ServiceContract attribute, OperationContract attribute.