Categories: C#.Net, Asp.Net

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) in .NET

This article discuss about Cross-Side Scripting(XSS) affects the web applications, how to avoid Cross Side Scripting in .Net.

Categories: C#.Net

Boxing and Unboxing in C#

This article explains about Boxing and Unboxing techniques in C#, how to store the value type variable in reference type variable.

Categories: C#.Net, Asp.Net

Entity Classes and Entity Objects in C#

This article explains about how to use Entity classes, Entity Objects in C#.Net and how Entity object increases the performance.

Categories: C#.Net

Indexers in C#

This article discuss about Indexers in C# and what are the advantages of Indexers in .Net

Categories: WPF

Different Containers in WPF

It explains about different containers in WPF and advantages of the containers in WPF.

Categories: WPF

Introduction to WPF and Why WPF, Windows Presentation Foundation

This article discuss about WPF introduction, What is WPF, Why WPF and difference between windows application and WPF.

Categories: C#.Net, Asp.Net

Load User Controls Dynamically in ASP.NET, C#

This article explains how to load web user control dynamically in Asp.Net, how to fire user control button click event when user control loading dynamically in Asp.Net.

Categories: Asp.Net

Binding ObjectDataSource Control to a LINQ to SQL in ASP.NET

This article discuss about how to bind LINQ to SQL object to ObjectDataSource control.