Categories: C#.Net

Understanding Structures

Discuss about structures in .Net, why we need structures, when we need structures and what are advantages of structures over classes. It also explains about whether structures are value types or reference types.

Categories: JavaScript

Data types in Javascript

Discuss about what are the data types available in java script and how to use those data types in java script. It mainly discuss about Undefined, Null, Boolean, Number, String data types in java script.

Categories: LINQ

LINQ Introduction

This gives basic idea on LINQ(Language Integrated Query), why we need LINQ, what are the advantages of LINQ over SQL server. It explains LINQ with simple example.

Categories: C#.Net

how to use WebBrowser control in C#.Net

This article discuss about how to display web page in .net windows application. It exlains displaying web page in windows application by using .net WebBrowser control

Categories: Microsoft Promo Code

Microsoft Office Promo Code 2015

Microsoft Office is the most widely used office suite for building word processing applications. Mic

Categories: C#.Net

Factory Design Pattern and Abstract Factory Design Pattern in C#

This article discuss about what is the design pattern and what are the advantages of design patterns. It also discuss about what is the Factory design pattern and Abstract design pattern, when to use Abstract design pattern and what are the advantages of Factory and abstract design patterns.

Categories: XML

Introduction to XML

It provides basic idea on XML(Extensible Markup Language), how the data represented in XML, what is the root element, what are the child elements and advantages of XML over other formats.

Categories: C#.Net

OOP's Concepts in .Net, Object, Abstraction, Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Inheritance and Aggregation

Discuss about what are the OOP's Concepts in .Net,Object and what is meant Abstraction,Encapsulation,Polymorphism,Inheritance and Aggregation with examples.