Categories: Vb.Net

Message Queue in .Net

This article discuss about Microsoft message queue(MSMQ) concept and how to store data in message queue and how to retrieve data from message queue by using .Net

Categories: Vb.Net

Javascript Embed in Custom Control

This article explains about how to embed java script file in Custom Controls of .NET and how to merge java script function with custom control.

Categories: Sharepoint

Create Web For your Sharepoint site Programmaticaly

This article discuss about how to create web for your Sharepoint site Programmatically

Categories: Sharepoint

Create Site in Sharepoint Programmaticaly

This article discuss about how to create New site in Sharepoint Programmatically

Categories: Sharepoint

Sharepoint Features, EventHandlers, List Items

This article discuss about how to create Event Handler in Sharepoint, execute using Features Concept to restrict the user to delete Item from a List

Categories: Sharepoint

Display Lists and List Items info of a Sharepoint site Programmaticaly

This article discuss about how to display sharepoint List and List Item title,description, autor name and other information Programmatically

Categories: Sharepoint

Delete Sharepoint List Programmaticaly

This article explains about how to Delete List from Sharepoint Programmatically

Categories: Sharepoint

Create Sharepoint List Programmaticaly

This article discuss about how to create New List in Sharepoint Programmatically