Categories: Asp.Net

Forms Authentication across Applications on different web servers in Asp.Net

This discuss about how to share forms authentication for different applications which are running on different web servers. This explains forms authentication for multiple applications which are running on different web servers by using machineKey.

Categories: Asp.Net

Forms Authentication across multiple Applications on same web server in Asp.Net

This discuss about how to handle same forms authentication for multiple applications on same web server. This explains forms authentication for multiple applications by using machineKey

Categories: C#.Net

Call base class constructor and its methods from child class by using "base" keyword in C#:

This explains about C# keyword base. It discuss about what are the advantages of base keyword, when can we use base keyword and how to call base class constructor and its methods from derived class by using base keyword in C#.

Categories: C#.Net

The use of "this" Keyword in C#, constructor chaining in .Net

This discuss about what is the use of "this" keyword in .Net, when can we use "this" keyword in C# and how can avoid scope ambiguity in C#.Net. It also explains about constructor chaining in C#.

Categories: Asp.Net

Creating Custom HTTP Module in Asp.Net

This discuss about HTTP Module in .Net, what is the purpose of HTTP Module in ASP.Net, how to create custom HTTP Module in Asp.Net and how to register custom HTTP Module in web.config.

Categories: C#.Net

Structural Patterns, Proxy Design Pattern in C#, Example Of Proxy Pattern in C#

This is discuss about one of the Structural Design Patterns in .Net. This explains about Proxy Design Pattern in .Net or C#, example Of Proxy Pattern in C#, advantages of proxy patterns and when to use proxy design pattern in C#.

Categories: C#.Net

C# 2008 New Features

This discuss about new features of C# 2008 or .Net 3.5. It explains various new features like Automatic properties, Object Initializers, Type Inference, Anonymous Types, Lambda Expressions and Extension Methods. It explains about each in detail.