Categories: SQL Server

Indexes in Microsoft SQL Server, Clustered Index, Non Clustered Index in SQL Server

This article discuss about Indexes in Microsoft SQL Server, Clustered Indexes and NonClustered Indexes in MS SQL Server. It also discuss about advantages and disadvantages of indexes, Index tuning.

Categories: C#.Net

Polymorphism, Run Time Polymorphism and Compile Time Polymorphism in C#

It explains about Polymorphism in C#, compile time polymorphism, run time polymorphism, method overloading and method overriding in C#.Net.

Categories: SQL Server

SQL Server Index Optimization tips

This article explain about how to optimize the indexes in SQL Server for better performance.

Categories: LINQ

Query Syntax and Method Syntax in LINQ

This explains about query syntax in LINQ, method syntax in LINQ and difference between query syntax and method syntax in LINQ .Net.

Categories: SQL Server

SQL Server Optimization Tips

This discuss about how to optimize the SQL Server by following the simple tips.