Categories: Microsoft Office

Working with Microsoft Excel Names in VBA

We can name to Ranges, Strings, Arrays, and Tables in Excel. That means if you want to make availabl

Categories: C#.Net

C# - XML Serialization & DeSerialization

It explains about XML Serialization and De Serialization in C#.

Categories: Microsoft Office

Range Object in VBA

It explains about Range object and its advantages in Microsoft Office Excel 2013.

Categories: C#.Net, Microsoft Office

Add Images, Styles, Tables to Microsoft Office Word in C#

It explains about how to add images, styles & tables to the Microsoft Office Word document using C#.

Categories: WPF

Button Control in WPF

This article explains about Button control in WPF and about IsDefault, IsCancel properties of WPF Button.

Categories: WPF

DispatcherObject in WPF

It discuss about DispatcherObject and how to solve error "The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it" in WPF.

Categories: WPF

WPF Class Hierarchy

It discuss about Class Hierarchy in WPF.
